Maryland Qui Tam Lawyer

If you’ve witnessed your Maryland employer take part in fraud, you can benefit from reporting their fraudulent activity to the government. Reach out to a qui tam attorney in Maryland to learn more about becoming a whistleblower.

Fraudulent activity is far too common in large corporations because employers want to evade taxes, obtain more money, or cheat the system in other ways. Because these employers are in positions of power, they often believe they’re above the law and no one will catch them in the act.

Although the government can’t keep eyes on everyone at all times, employees are incentivized by the False Claims Act to report any fraudulent activity they witness at work. If you believe your Maryland employer is doing something illegal, you could be rewarded for reporting your findings to the government.

Speaking with a Maryland qui tam lawyer from Snider & Associates, LLC for help determining whether you have grounds for a case.

Exposing Corporate Fraud in Maryland

It’s essential to expose corporate fraud in Maryland if you want the justice system to be upheld. Although you may feel hesitant to come forward about the fraudulent behavior you’ve witnessed, you can rest assured your job will receive protection. You can also report the activity anonymously as a whistleblower for added protection.

Some types of fraud you can address in Maryland under the False Claims Act include:

  • Overbilling the government
  • Falsifying records or invoices
  • Billing the government for unperformed work
  • Healthcare fraud
  • Fraud by defense contractors
  • Underpaying employees

How Filing a Qui Tam Lawsuit in Maryland Can Benefit You

A qui tam lawsuit is the type of lawsuit that whistleblowers file against their employers to report fraud to the government. However, most Maryland employees wouldn’t file a qui tam lawsuit unless there was an incentive to do so.

Thankfully, the government provides an incentive in the form of compensation for employees who are brave enough to take legal action. Employees can receive up to 30 percent of the recovered compensation for any qui tam lawsuit they file.

Whistleblower Protection Under the False Claims Act

Aside from financial compensation, employees may hesitate to file qui tam lawsuits because they’re afraid of losing their jobs in the process. Even if a whistleblower’s identity somehow gets revealed, the whistleblower is protected from employer retaliation under federal and state employment discrimination laws.

If you lose your job, you can file a discrimination complaint and receive compensation for your mistreatment. You should never feel afraid to fight on the side of justice, because with an experienced Maryland qui tam attorney by your side, you’ll be supported through every step of the way.

Consult a Maryland Qui Tam Attorney

Taking on a qui tam lawsuit alone can be challenging. Not only must you navigate the government claims process, but you must also gather sufficient evidence to prove fraud has occurred. If you need help filing a claim, you should speak with a Maryland qui tam lawyer from Snider & Associates, LLC. To schedule a consultation, call 410-653-9060 or fill out the contact form below.