Gender Discrimination Lawyer
If you’ve experienced discrimination at work solely because of your gender, then your employer is breaking the law, and you can hold them accountable. Consult a gender discrimination attorney to learn more about filing a claim.
Gender discrimination may sometimes seem like a thing of the past, but it’s still prevalent in society. Although women tend to experience gender discrimination more often than men, it’s not uncommon for men to feel discriminated against in the workplace, as well. Because gender is becoming better understood as time goes on, definitions are now more fluid, and gender discrimination also applies to the transgender community and beyond.
Thankfully, there are federal laws that protect employees of all genders from discrimination at work. If you believe your employer has discriminated against you because of your gender, you can hold them accountable and seek justice. A gender discrimination lawyer from Snider & Associates, LLC wants to help you file a claim and escalate your claim to a lawsuit, if appropriate.
Identifying Gender Discrimination at Work
If you want to prevent gender discrimination from occurring, you must know how to identify when it’s happening. Employers may be experienced in hiding their discriminatory acts, so it’s essential to look out for common examples of prejudice. Gender discrimination may include:
- Not being hired for a position because of your gender
- Being held to a different standard because of your gender
- Being paid less than employees of another gender
- Being denied promotions, pay raises, or bonuses because of your gender
- Offensive jokes or comments related to your gender
- Sexual harassment of any kind
- Wrongful termination based on gender
Gender discrimination is illegal when it creates a hostile workplace environment and violates the terms and conditions of your employment.
Legal Protection against Gender Discrimination
Employees have legal protection against gender discrimination at work thanks to Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. This act outlaws discrimination in the workplace based on race, sex, color, national origin, or religion.
Gender discrimination may also occur if you’re denied a job, harassed, or fired because you’re pregnant. The Pregnancy Discrimination Act protects pregnant women from discrimination at work.
How to Hold Your Employer Accountable for Gender Discrimination
The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission enforces federal laws that outlaw gender discrimination. If your employer has discriminated against you, you can file an official claim with the EEOC and they’ll investigate to determine whether there’s probable cause for your claim. If there is, they may remedy your situation by punishing your employer or offering you liquidated damages.
If the EEOC determines there’s no probable cause, you can appeal their decision. You can also sue your employer and allow a judge and jury to decide your case.
Consult a Gender Discrimination Attorney
Gender discrimination at work can be disheartening because your gender is often felt as something that defines who you are. If you’re ready to seek justice for your mistreatment, you can contact a gender discrimination lawyer from Snider & Associates, LLC by calling 410-653-9060 or by filling out the contact form below and scheduling a consultation.